
Purchase Assistance

How easy is it to place an order?

It is really very simple! Just follow the steps given below to own something you would love to have!

  1. Select a category and choose the product of your choice. Then simply ‘add to your bag’
  2. Create an account by registering or you can also proceed by entering your email id.
  3. Enter the shipping address
  4. If you have a Welcome Voucher/Discount coupon you wish to redeem, then enter the applicable code(s) in the appropriate box.
  5. Check the final price of the product with its shipping charges (wherever applicable). Select one of the available payment options and, Voila! Your order has been placed!
  6. Watch out for a confirmation note, which will reach you by mail and SMS
  7. You can even call us at 0120-4807100 or opt for a LIVE CHAT

Is there any way of confirming if the order has been placed properly and successfully?

Oh yes! As soon as we receive your order, we will send you a confirmation via email and also through a text message. Once you receive this confirmation message, it would mean that your order has been placed successfully. This mail/SMS will have all the details related to your order.

I have not received any SMS/ Mail about the order confirmation. How to confirm the order now?

Please give us a call at 0120-4807100 or drop us a mail at with the transaction details. We will get back to you with a confirmation of the order.

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, in case you have changed your mind and do not wish to continue with the placed order, you can contact us on 0120-4807100 or drop us a mail at before the order gets processed. You will need to hurry, because we are running fast to process your order.